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Magnolia Forge
Share your modules !
Help the Magnolia eco-system grow; give visibility to your projects and efforts ! Over the years, we've heard about, and seen, a whole lot of great Magnolia modules being written and deployed on various sites. We're convinced many of them would be beneficial to the community, be it for direct use in other projects, or as a quickstart for some other piece of functionality.
By opening the Magnolia Forge, we're hoping to foster the use and exchange of your Magnolia super-powers. The Forge is a one stop shop for module development. Here you can check your code into version control, respond to issues reported by users, build, and integrate your module to the large Magnolia code base. The Forge provides all the services you need to build a Magnolia module and opens a direct pipeline for user feedback.
You guys are good at what you do, so why not show it to the world? You might be surprised someone will pick the effort up and get back at you with patches and improvements. Request a new project now !
By registering your project at the Magnolia Forge, you'll immediately get:
- a Git or Subversion repository,
- a Jira project,
- access to our Nexus instance,
- instant feedback from Jenkins
... but more importantly: visibility ! We're hoping to integrate the forge and the Magnolia Marketplace soon, too !
Draft: currently drafting up some more details about Forge projects on the wiki. Feedback most welcome !
Recent projects 
This is a list of projects recently created on the forge. See what others are up to: